Taking part in the Caring Connections project could help you gain:
• Duke of Edinburgh Award
Involvement in the project would potentially cover 2 different DofE categories, Volunteering (working with the older people in the care home) and Skills (life skills / media and communication)
• International Baccalaureate Diploma
The Service element featured in one of the core requirements of the diploma (Creativity, Action, Service) can be achieved by participating in the project through helping the elderly at a care home.
• Amalfi Challenge
If you wanted to take part in this project you could set yourself challenges within all 4 elements of the Amalfi Cross: Service – Volunteering within St John or the wider community, Challenge – Your opportunity to pursue a personal goal, Relationships – Developing skills with other people, and Society – Developing an understanding of the society in which we live.
• Grand Prior Award
Participating in this project also covers several subjects featured in the cadet programme helping you towards the Grand Prior Award. Subjects included are: Communications, Community and Creative.
• Duty Hours
Any hours that you spend working on the project outside of your weekly divisional meetings can count towards your duty hours.
For more information or details on how to get involved, contact the Youth Department.